Research & Education Track:
Research & Education Track:
NERD (New Emerging Research & Development)
NERD (New Emerging Research & Development)
For those affiliated with the VICEROY program, contact your institution's VICEROY representative to learn about opportunities to highlight research at HammerCon!
Links to Other Tracks:
Schedule Updates Ongoing
Schedule Updates Ongoing
Notes: Schedule subject to change. ⚡︎ indicates "lightning talks" (15 minute slot to share ideas but no Q&A).
Speakers to be published!
Speakers to be published!
1000: Track opening
1000: Track opening
1200: Lunch
1200: Lunch
1300: Afternoon talks
1300: Afternoon talks
1600: End of track. Movement to main track for 1630 closing ceremony.
1600: End of track. Movement to main track for 1630 closing ceremony.
Check back to register to attend before space runs out!
Check back to register to attend before space runs out!