Archive Articles (2024)

By Ronnie Bustamante

April 23, 2024

MCPA hosted its 2023 Board of Advisors meeting, celebrating milestones of scholarships, publications, and a new National President

(Image: MCPA)

By Dr. Michael Senft

March 21, 2024

The relative advantage between attackers and defenders in cyberspace has been the subject of vigorous debate. I argue that the debate should be resolved in favor of cyber attackers, who possess freedom of maneuver to invalidate security assumptions required by modern digital systems. Using the recent “LogoFail” exploit and the 2020 SolarWinds hack, the attacker’s ability to invalidate security assumptions is explored. The limitations of current U.S. cyber strategy are then examined through the lens of attacker advantage in cyberspace. While restraint in the conduct of offensive cyberspace operations is noble, attacker advantage in cyberspace presents challenges in preparing for future conflict.

(Image: DALL-E)

By Paul F. Renda

January 19, 2024

Personal computer BIOS/UEFI settings are essential to security of the system from advanced adversary attack vectors. 

(Image: Paul F. Renda)